About Hypnotherapy.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy used to re-programme the subconscious mind. Under hypnosis, your mind and body will enter a heightened state of learning, making you more open to suggestions for self-improvement or behaviour change. Some people describe hypnosis as a state of focused attention, where they feel very calm and relaxed. 

You will have entered a state, similar to hypnosis on your own without even realising it. For example, you may have been daydreaming at a traffic light and got so lost in your own thoughts you didn’t realise the light had changed.

What does hypnotherapy involve?

During a consultation, you will begin by telling me about what you want to achieve. We will then work together to explore your goal further so I can design session plans.

Hypnotherapy provides a way of creating new neural pathways. The new pathway will promote a better option than previous habits or behaviors, which no longer provide a benefit. Multiple sessions are required to embed new neural pathways so a new option is seen as the preferred choice.

At your first therapy session, you will be encouraged to enter a state of hypnosis. Your body will feel calm, and relaxed and you will be in control. I will speak to you in a calm and gently assertive voice and place the suggestions in line with your agreed goal in your subconscious mind.

How do I use Hynotherapy?

By using Progressive Muscular Relaxation (helping you relax), we can bypass your normal filters, so we can work together to imprint your conscious wishes on your unconscious mind.

Existing neural pathways, which no longer serve their purpose do need to be changed. Imagine walking across a field of deep grass on a well-trodden path to the other side. In a state of hypnosis, you can create a new pathway directly across the field, directly to where you wish to go. Hypnotherapy will help your unconscious mind understand the benefit of the new route, even though the grass is initially longer. As you walk the new path, the grass will be trodden down and over time the old path will grow back.

One of my regular questions to clients is “Are you interested, or are you committed?” If you’re interested you may try the new path (and create a new neural pathway), if you’re committed you will flatten the grass and know you can achieve any realistic goal(embedding the new neural pathway so it’s seen as the preferred option).

Contacting Me

Please complete the form to enable me to get in touch with you. Alternatively please contact me using the email address and/or number below and I will respond as soon as I’m available:

Email - john.henry.hds@gmail.com
Mobile - (+44) 07591 564 267
Location - Washington, UK.

“We cannot become what we want by remaining who we are.” - Max Dupree