Your Questions Answered

  • An initial consultation session will enable me to devise a therapy plan for you that combines tried and tested hypnotherapy-based solutions with personal mapping to meet your specific needs. 

    (No treatment will be included during a consultation session).

    If I believe there is a more appropriate course of action (for example using conscious tools as an alternative to hypnotherapy), I’ll explore these with you and discuss the options open to you.

  • You can’t be hypnotised against your will. I’ll work with you to build rapport and trust and then it will be down to your imagination how easily you can enter a hypnotised state. If you can use your imagination, it’s highly likely you can enter a hypnotised state.

  • Our unconscious mind works in ways it knows delivers positive results.  For example, we may over-eat as it gives us comfort or we may lose our temper so we can protect ourselves.  Hypnosis provides the opportunity to communicate directly with the unconscious mind to give it positive suggestions. This is then seen as a preferred option to previous patterns it encouraged us to take.  

    The hypnotic trance is required to allow somebody to relax their normal judgment (known as the Conscious Critical Faculty) so your conscious wishes can be helped, rather than hindered, by your unconscious mind.

  • You may not undergo hypnosis during your first visit with a hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Instead, the two of you may talk about the goals you have and the process they can use to help you.

    In a hypnosis session, your therapist will help you relax in a comfortable setting. They’ll explain the process and review your goals for the session. They’ll use repetitive verbal cues to guide you into the trance-like state. Once you’re in a receptive trance-like state, your therapist will suggest you work to achieve certain goals, help you visualise your future, and guide you toward making healthier or more positive decisions.

  • Item descriptionYour unconscious mind will remember what has been said, however, depending on how deeply you have entered the trance, your conscious mind may only remember certain aspects. During the pre and post-hypnotic discussion, details will be agreed and your goal will be at the centre of everything covered. Where necessary, I will use the post-session to build on any suggestions covered during the time spent in a hypnotic trance.

  • You are in control and you can choose to share what you wish. A discussion will take place whilst you are fully conscious to agree on your goal(s). We will only work with the information relevant to your goal(s) and it will be in confidence. 

    Please note: I do have an ethical duty if you share information that will put yourself or others at risk of actual harm.

  • Although one session can be helpful for some issues, it is likely that more sessions will be required for most conditions. This will be subject to continual review and discussion to determine how many more sessions are needed. We will also talk about whether maintenance sessions are required.

  • No, it’s an altered state of mind. It’s like daydreaming or becoming very focussed on an activity to the extent you lose track of all time. During a hypnotic trance, you are not asleep, however, you are unconcerned about your surroundings. Some people liken it to feeling in between being asleep and awake.

  • You are in control the whole time, just very relaxed. You will have identified your goal and the session will be aimed at enabling you to achieve that.

  • Researchers at Harvard studied the brains of 57 people during guided hypnosis. They found that:

    Two areas of the brain, which are responsible for processing and controlling what’s going on in your body, show greater activity during hypnosis.

    Similarly, the area of your brain that’s responsible for your actions and the area that is aware of those actions appear to be disconnected during hypnosis.

Contacting Me

Please complete the form to enable me to get in touch with you. Alternatively please contact me using the email address and/or number below and I will respond as soon as I’m available:

Email -
Mobile - (+44) 07591 564 267
Location - Washington, UK.

“Only you can write the next page” - Hannah Jane Walker, working with Durham Prison Inmates